Thursday, May 8, 2014

Day late.

Hi all. Yesterday was a yucky day for me so I am just getting to posting now.

I may not have been feeling physically well, but it was a good day for Renegade Lily. My thoughtful sister passed around my cards to the people in her office. One of the ladies checked my stuff out on Etsy and said she wanted to buy what ever I had. This is awesome and amazing and many other adjectives.

Now my little shop is barren. I am going to try to furiously make up some new things.  Some of the bracelets that were sold I don't even have a picture of because I never got around to taking them. Note to self: even if they are poorly lit, take pictures as soon as something is done.

I had this long post started about being an artist and all this other stuff, but it seemed more important to share the news of my big sale. I will finish it and share it on Saturday. I will have gone to the career counselor person too. I am interested to hear what she says and if there is any hope for me to become self-sustaining again. Maybe I'll have something to share about that too.

A little eye candy to leave you with. It is a Chihuly instillation at the hospital where my doctor has his office.

I had walked past it on my way to get a blood test at the lab. It didn't register until I was leaving. I stopped and stared at it for a while. What an amazing sight to see in a place most people don't really like to go. I thought about being a patient here and being uplifted by this beauty. I was uplifted in a way only unexpected beauty makes me.

See you all later.


  1. Congratulations Nellie. I am positive the buyer will be very happy with her selections. Yeah!!!!

  2. The buyer was thrilled! She loved everything, including the adorable packaging.

  3. Hooray for big sales and unexpected beauty!

    Sending hugs!
