Saturday, February 22, 2014

Hello. If you happened on this blog, I welcome you. If you are one of my friends and relations, I hope you get a kick reading about what is going on with me.

I am starting this blog as a way to figure out what the next step in my life will be. I had been working my way through a dissertation for a PhD in Francophone studies. I spent seven years struggling to finish until one morning sitting in front of my computer I had a moment of clarity. I did not want to be an academic.

This was about a year ago. Around this same time I started to discover a creative side that I never really developed. I started sewing, discovered Pinterest, and generally threw myself into crafty activities. I realized I have never been happier then when I was crafting. This is what I want to do with my life.

So now I am going to start a blog about my efforts to make something out of the realization. I also decided to open an Etsy shop. Perhaps other people will like my stuff, perhaps I am just doing this to make me happy. Either way it seems to be the right thing to do.

Now I am not quitting my day job as a bookseller, but I am also looking for for a better option. Maybe something that will allow me to get my own place again. I live with my older sister and her family. You might see them featured once in awhile.

I hope you enjoy my exploration of craftiness and tolerate my philosophical musings. I might talk about books that move me and products I like.

I hope you enjoy my blog. Please let me know what you think.



  1. You certainly have the creative talent to do whatever you set your heart to. So thankful for those life-changing moments of clarity. I've had a few myself. May God bless all your crafting endeavors.

  2. Good luck with your creative endeavors! I'm sure you will do well. I know how it feels to arrive at a crossroads. Been there myself over and over again! :)
