Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Big News

You will likely see some changes to the look of my blog shortly. I have a chance to work with someone to design a logo. It is all just in the beginning stages, so I don't know exactly what will happen.
Check out the artist with whom I'll be working.

She is a friend of my sister Lynne and works with her on this awesome homeschooling blog

I am going to wait until the new look is done before I open the shop. This has given me time to put more projects in the works. My biggest challenges right now are staying focused and getting things accomplished. I live in the preparation and gathering modes for too long. I need to start cranking it out.

The weather has taken a turn again after a couple of sunny days of reprieve. I feel like a bear who has been woken too early from hibernation. Grumbly and tired, I wait for spring to come.

I thought a picture I took at the Cleveland Botanical Gardens a couple of years ago might be a bright way to end.

Stay warm and think spring thoughts. Check back next week to see what is happening.

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