Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Hello Everyone.

Last week and this I have been working more hours than usual. It has been seriously getting in the way of my crafting time. I have made some progress in finishing some merchandise. I finally had a breakthrough on a project I have been working on for months. I found the cutest little display rack for my earrings. Many good things that have made me happy.

I have been discouraged with my day job. I think I need to move on from there and find something new. Our library system has a great job counseling program. I am going to check it out and see if they can help. In the meantime, I have been trying to find ways to make lemonade out of the lemons of my situation.

I realized today that I enjoy walking from my parking spot to the store. I have to park rather far away and it seems like a bother most of the time. But there are a couple of things I have noticed that I really enjoy seeing. In the cold I walk through the mall to get to the store. There are lots of posh boutiques and galleries. The one gallery always has interesting things in their window. Their new display has these beautiful glass pieces.

There isn't any info on the artist but I find them beautiful.

This month they have also had some pieces out in the mall on display. I laughed out loud the first time I saw them and wished for the money to buy some for my sister's yard.

They are just so goofy and colorful. I smile each time I pass them. There is info on the artists who make these. Check out the website here.

The other thing that has kept me going is thinking about summer coming. I ordered a new bathing suit in preparation of the pool opening. And I have started a bike fund.

I love riding a bike but my old one is no longer. I saw some really cool new cruisers at a bike shop in Cleveland. I am pledging to put at least $10 a week until summer comes. I hope to have enough to get one of those beauties. I glued the lid on, so the only way to get the money is to break the jar. I tend to give in to temptation and instant gratification. I told my family I would except donations. My nephew gave me some of his change. That is a big deal for him. I thanked him and gave him a kiss. (Much to his chagrin.)

I just received an email today about the logo. The proofs are awesome. I am going to have a really hard time picking one.

Until next Wednesday. Thanks for reading. I wish you all to find little things that make happy in your days.

1 comment:

  1. I love it that you have a blog now. Really. It's fun to read your words and each time I read a post all I want to do is give you a great big hug.

